Hating War: From FDR to John Lennon
The melody to John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s “Happy Christmas (War is Over)” was based on “Skewball,” an old English folk song about a race horse. In America, the song was known as “Stewball.” Peter, Paul and Mary had a minor hit with it in 1963, the same year they scaled the pop charts with renditions of Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ In The Wind” and “Don’t Think Twice (It’s All Right).” Harmonizing as only they could, Peter, Paul and Mary made the ode to the racehorse a beautiful thing. The song is over two centuries old, covered by many artists, well known and obscure, but upon hearing the melody today, we associate it with John Lennon, as he extended a wish for us all that equaled the melody’s loveliness. So, let’s call it John Lennon’s song, for it is certainly his message.
John and Yoko, Peter, Paul and Mary — their songs covered a lot of ground, with much of their material embracing the pursuit of equality and peace. Upon the October ‘63 release of their third album, In The Wind, Peter, Paul and Mary had already recorded several songs concerning social justice, including “This Land is Your Land,” “Freight Train,” “If I Had a Hammer,” “All My Trials,” “This Train,” “Cruel War,” “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” and the aforementioned “Blowin’ in the Wind.”
Selected lines from just a few of those songs —“I’d hammer out love between my brothers and sisters all over this land,” “Where have all the soldiers gone? Gone to graveyards every one,” “This land was made for you and me,” and “how many deaths will it take for him to know that too many people have died?” — made the political and social sentiments of Peter, Paul and Mary undeniably clear. That is especially so, given the staggering number of those who die in the crossfire between simply living and the military-industrial complex, which a Republican President and war hero, Dwight David Eisenhower, warned us about a few years before Peter, Paul and Mary’s first recordings. The question “When will they ever learn?” comes up again and again in “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” The words in the Pete Seeger song they made so popular haunted us then, as they do now.
San Francisco National Cemetery. Photograph by Gena Cochran
After three hit albums in a span of two years, Peter, Paul and Mary made little impact on the American pop charts in ‘64, the first year in which John Lennon and the other three members of The Beatles redefined and dominated popular music. Essentially, there was no turning back. The folk music popularized by Seeger and Peter, Paul and Mary would influence the songs of The Beatles and other rock acts, but it seemed impossible for the folkies to be heard above the amplifiers.
But now and then the twain meets. John Lennon had given serious thought to the ideas espoused in folk songs. Hammering out the love between our brothers and our sisters, especially in the wake of the war in Vietnam, came across as a damned good idea. And who better to preach that idea than one of the world’s most popular entertainers, John Lennon? He’d be sincere, but he’d have fun with it. He’d be serious and courageous and he might put his career on the line doing so. That seemed not to bother him. And in the midst of celebrating the birthday of the Prince of Peace, John Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, would deliver a grand Christmas-card-in-song, “Happy Xmas (War Is Over),” when the world, and especially its leaders from the military industrial complex, really needed to hear it.
The peace movement in the West, particularly in the United States, was fueled with greater urgency in the ‘60s and early ‘70s because military conscription was ongoing. When you or someone close to you is at risk of being called to go to war in a faraway land, it’s easier and most pragmatic to embrace the idea of peace. You don’t even have to know the reasons for the war. You’re not protesting the idea of the war itself, you’re protesting the idea of being in the middle of it. That’s understandable, but several important points are missed.
In these times, with no draft in the US, and the ugly work left to volunteer forces, the concept of peace is not front and center. Millions from generations of Americans, for example, don’t dwell on the tragedy and ugliness of war. That’s someone else’s fight, even though the policies of someone you helped elect may stir up the jingoism that shows up from time to time. Then the young man you’ve known all his life is sent thousands of miles away as a “military advisor.” There’s a connection. We all need to think more clearly about it.
“And so this is Christmas,” John Lennon sings reassuringly. Ono and others in the background join in to wish us “a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,” adding, “Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear.” Such a wonderful way to live: without any fear. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a great wartime leader in the battles against fascism, had led the US through the years of the Great Depression. He sensed the fear the people of the nation felt and he knew that fear during times of war would be even worse. A little more than two months after winning a third term in office, Roosevelt, on January 6, 1941, spoke of the Four Freedoms all people should possess:
“We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression--everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way-- everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want . . . everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear . . . anywhere in the world.”
The ultimate battle for those freedoms was coming up, but Roosevelt did not want to expound on US military action just yet. The US was still in an isolationist mood, and he had to work around that, so he emphasized just how precious those freedoms are, as he did with the fourth freedom:
"The fourth is freedom from fear, which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor—anywhere in the world."
What a gift to the world that would be, especially given the tragic war in Gaza. In less than three months, over 10,000 Palestinian infants and children have been killed by the Israeli military. Another 18,000 Palestinian children have been injured in the war. Gaza is roughly 45 miles from Bethlehem; think on that. How can any cause be justified when considering these atrocious and unspeakable actions? Why would any country want to be associated with the maiming and killing of children who had already been living with fears that no child should harbor?
John Lennon was born a month and a day after the German Blitz on the UK began on September 7, 1940. He was born into a world of savagery that no doubt made him speak out urgently, with good sense and the common touch, in his songs for peace. Lennon’s middle name, Winston, was given to him in honor of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who would work at President Roosevelt’s side in defeating the Axis powers. World War Two was never called “the war to end all wars,” although its horrors should have put the military industrial complex out of business forever. But no, it seems they get all the business they want. When will they ever learn…
Lennon, with such songs as “Happy Xmas (War is Over),” and “Imagine,” understood very well what life could be like without war. Roosevelt, in a 1936 speech, conveyed understanding of what life is because of war:
I have seen war. I have seen war on land and sea. I have seen blood running from the wounded. I have seen men coughing out their gassed lungs. I have seen the dead in the mud. I have seen cities destroyed. I have seen 200 limping, exhausted men come out of line — the survivors of a regiment of 1,000 that went forward 48 hours before. I have seen children starving. I have seen the agony of mothers and wives. I hate war.”
War is over. If you want it.